Macquarie University’s Academic Senate held its fourth meeting of the year on 23 July, and here are the top five takeaways that you need to know:

1. Simplifying Undergraduate Double Degrees

Following a review, the Academic Senate has approved changes to the Curriculum Architecture Policy, removing the option for students to select their own double degree combinations. From 2025, specific double degrees identified by Faculty Boards will be offered. Current students in self-chosen double degrees can continue their studies.

2. Fitness to Practice Procedure Review

Led by Professor Catherine Dean, a review of Inherent Requirements and Fitness to Practice (FTP) Procedures has been conducted. FTP concerns a student’s ability to meet the required standards of their profession in practical, clinical, or professional courses. The Procedure outlines the process for managing their progression, including steps to identify, notify, support, monitor, and review students facing issues, as well as actions for those who fail to meet FTP requirements. The review recommended amendments to streamline and clarify the Procedure, ensuring procedural fairness and improving clarity.

3. New Admission Requirements for the Doctor of Physiotherapy

The Academic Senate has approved amendments to the admission requirements for the Doctor of Physiotherapy, including the CASPer test, which is designed to assess non-academic personal attributes. A new Indigenous student pathway has also been introduced to support Indigenous applicants.

4. Supporting Early and Mid-Career Researchers

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance and Development) presented an overview of the activities run across the University to support Early and Mid-Career Researchers. The programs are designed to support the career development of researchers at academic Levels A-C, enhancing research performance, successful teams, effective leadership, and organisational culture. The initiatives included workshops, seminars, an ECR showcase, a “Preparing for Academic Promotions Interviews: Panels with Q&A” session, peer group support and mentoring.

5. Addressing Demographic Gaps and New Indigenous Student Member

Each year, the Academic Senate surveys its membership to review the diversity and inclusiveness of its composition. This year, the survey identified gaps in the 25–44 age group. As most academic staff positions on the Academic Senate are filled by election, the Chair and Deputy Chair will be promoting the elections in upcoming visits to Departments and Schools, encouraging staff in this demographic group to nominate. Additionally, a new Indigenous student member category has been proposed and supported by the Senate.

Policies in Progress: Your Guide to What’s Under Review

Other policies approved at the July meeting of Academic Senate were:

Staff can view policies open for consultation at any time on the Policy Central Bulletin Board.

The next Senate meeting of 2024 will be held on 27 August. Keep an eye out for our notice on the Staff Intranet in early August giving staff an opportunity to observe or contact the Governance Secretariat by email at

Posted by Jacqueline Phillips

Jacqueline Phillips is a neurophysiologist and Professor of Neuroscience at Macquarie. She worked as a veterinarian before pursuing medical research. She is currently the Chair of Academic Senate.

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